Regional Stories – Africa | Asia | Europe | Middle East | The Americas

These stories provide a pulse for what is happening in a given region of the world, which are pursuing transformations in education with an emphasis on global citizenship education and sustainability. One of the premises of the Global Commons Review is that we need a vigorous multilateralism to implement global citizenship education.

Three Different Approaches to Global Citizenship Education
20 February 2019

Global citizenship education (GCE) is not a brand-new concept but it was the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which raised attention to the education. As GCE was included in one of the education targets of the SDG 4 or Global Education 2030 Agenda, it received more attention than before the S...

A Lost Opportunity
19 February 2019

To walk along the Inca footpaths in Peru is a pleasurable experience as well as an exercise in reflection. As the mind flies alone accompanying the condors in serene harmony with the environment, the questions flow and it is impossible to answer them all. How could such advanced societies be so left...

Maria, a Global Citizen
19 February 2019

The comic-strip cartoon character Maria was created by Henrique Magalhães in 1975 in Paraíba, a state in the Northeast of Brazil. The initial storyline was about a woman around 30 years of age, single and on the hunt for marriage. The cartoon was created with the goal of shedding light...

Africa Taking on Global Citizenship Education: Perspectives Towards Forward-Looking Actions
19 February 2019

Contemporary African countries have been grappling with the various remnants of the colonial legacy. One persistent reality that cannot be overlooked is how the continent of Africa was divided into countries, whose borders were drawn capriciously and according to the interests and geo-political, his...

To educate for planetary citizenship: a Latin-American perspective
18 February 2019

In February, 2017 the Paulo Freire Institute of UCLA launched number zero of the Global Commons Review, focusing on education for “global citizenship”. The theme is not new, but it has only very recently caught the attention of international organizations like UNESCO. Therefore, this rev...

Unpacking ‘cosmopolitanism’ in Arab region citizenship education discourse
17 February 2019

In 2015, SAGE published the second edition of its Handbook of Research in International Education. Our contribution (Akar and Ghosn-Chelala 2015) was a chapter that investigated the intersections of post-colonial citizenship, cosmopolitanism and citizenship education in the Arab region. Formerly col...

Growth and fortunes of Western European populism(s): does the French presidential election mark a stop or (more likely) a parenthesis?
17 February 2019

Is Europe in the process of colonization by a populist mind-set? One can ask if such a tendency is a matter of ideology, mere rhetoric or a renewed political style. Over the last three years, populist forces have dominated the political agenda on various occasions, from the European elections in 201...

From cultivating modern national citizens to global citizens: the transformation of Chinese citizenship in the process of globalization
17 February 2019

Different nations have different understandings and experiences of citizenship education. Citizenship education in the Chinese context is often referred to as civic education, with the main purpose of training qualified students to serve the state. As a country with a long history, civic education o...

Gandhi and Global Citizenship Education
23 September 2018

Contemporary challenges brought about by violent transnational phenomena such as globalization, terrorism, rising economic disparities, massive displacement of people, and global warming require global and coordinated efforts for peaceful development and change. Globally, youth must be empowered to ...

Chinese civics, the current debate
23 September 2018

The question of civics in China is a controversial one due in large part to the multiple dimensions of experience captured in the civic ideal inherited from Greece and Rome and from the Italian city-states of the early modern period. One influential point of view, dating back to Hegel, holds that Ch...

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